
autopew is available on PyPi, and can be downloaded with pip:

pip install autopew


autopew is not yet packaged for Anaconda, and as such conda install autopew will not work.

Upgrading autopew

New versions of pyrolite are released frequently. You can upgrade to the latest edition on PyPi using the --upgrade flag:

pip install --upgrade autopew

Development Installation

autopew is a work in progress. The development version is in a public repository on GitHub. You can install it using pip directly from there:

pip install git+
# or, for the develop version
pip install git+

Alternatively, you can also clone it locally and install with pip:

git clone
cd autopew
# e.g if you navigate to the directory
pip install .

If you want to contribute to autopew, you might want to use an editable installation locally to debug:

git clone
cd autopew
# e.g if you navigate to the directory
pip install -e .[dev]